Potable Water Reuse Report
Published by the University of Southern California ReWater Center in collaboration with Trussell
Series 1, Issue 2
14 June 2024
The Factors Shaping DPR Regulations in the United States
Key Takeaways
- DPR regulations are being developed on a state-by-state basis in the U.S.
- Between states, there is significant variability in the individual requirements that make up the regulations
- Despite this variability, there is general consistency in the requirements for public health (i.e., pathogen and chemical control)
- The variability in DPR regulations is often influenced by non-public health factors including:
- Scale of implementation: finding the appropriate balance between cost and conservatism in DPR requirements may be impacted by the scale at which DPR will be implemented
- Environmental discharge: restrictions on discharge may impact the type of treatment required (reverse osmosis vs. carbon-based)
- Statutory scope: states with greater statutory scope have more flexibility to include requirements for contaminants beyond those specified in the Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act
- Political climate: political support can influence whether regulations are developed, the speed of development, the funds available for research addressing knowledge gaps, and the resources available to develop, implement, and enforce the regulations
In the absence of a federal regulation for direct potable reuse (DPR), U.S. states are developing their own regulations with Colorado and California leading the way as the first two states to create and adopt regulations. A survey of DPR regulations that have been adopted or proposed nationwide can be insightful for states seeking to develop their own regulations. This survey, however, would immediately shed light on the fact that these regulations are in fact quite different. If the primary goal of DPR is public health protection, how are states ending up with such diversity in their regulations? A deeper analysis of DPR regulations nationwide shows broad similarity in the requirements for control of the two main public health threats: pathogens and chemicals. If the public health requirements are not responsible for the diversity in DPR regulations, then diversity must stem from elements beyond the public health sphere.
To understand the diversity in DPR requirements, we interviewed stakeholders from several states (Figure 1) that are interested in DPR to understand what factors shaped the development of their regulations or guidance. Four location-specific factors emerged: (1) scale of implementation, (2) environmental discharge restrictions, (3) statutory scope, and (4) political climate. These four factors—which exist outside of the public health sphere—play an important role in determining the strictness, expansiveness, and speed of regulatory development. This issue of the Potable Water Reuse Report focuses on these location-specific factors to help prospective reuse stakeholders tailor the development of their own DPR requirements.
1) Scale of Implementation
Agreement on California’s Conservative LRTs?
While also using risk-based approaches, other states are proposing not to follow California’s level of stringency for pathogen LRTs in DPR. According to Lynn Spivey, the Director of Utilities at the City of Plant City, Florida, stakeholders in Florida compared California’s 20/14/15 against the industry “standard” of 12/10/10. After evaluating the performance of reuse systems across Florida, they concluded that they would not propose extending the pathogen requirements to 20/14/15 but may extend beyond 12/10/10. Arizona independently evaluated LRTs using two new pathogen datasets – both a local dataset and one developed in California – and found that both approaches led them to a requirement of 13/10/10. Regulatory development remains ongoing in both states.
2. Environmental Discharge Considerations
Typically, the protection of public health and the protection of the environment are viewed as two independent objectives. In potable reuse, however, these two goals may be inextricably linked: projects are often driven and/or constrained by environmental considerations.
One of the most common examples of this is when regulatory restrictions prohibit the discharge of wastewater effluents into the environment for ecological reasons. Florida, which is experiencing widespread issues with blue-green algae, red tides, and eutrophication of its lakes and surface waters, passed Senate Bill 64 that prohibits the non-beneficial discharge of effluents into surface waters (including ocean discharges) by 2032. This environmental discharge restriction is providing additional motivation to develop potable reuse regulations, which would offer Floridians an additional strategy for beneficially reusing the water. Without a potable reuse option, agencies would likely dispose of their non-beneficial discharges through deep well injection. This practice can be technically challenging and costly while also eliminating the possibility of reusing the water. Lynn Spivey noted that brackish water desalination plants in Florida currently inject their RO concentrate into deep wells, but that stakeholders were doubtful that this was a sustainable strategy for all non-beneficial discharges.
Discharge Restrictions on the Horizon
Similar legislation that would eliminate the discharge of treated wastewater into the environment has been proposed in California (Senate Bill 331 Hertzberg/Wiener Bill"), though these bills have yet to pass – in part due to opposition from the reuse industry to ensure provisions for RO concentrate discharge are included.
3. Statutory Scope
The latitude that state regulators have to prescribe potable reuse requirements varies based on their statutory scope. Many state statutes require regulators to ensure the “safety” of drinking water supplies. Colorado’s Primary Drinking Water Regulations require assurance of “the safety of public drinking water supplies” and Texas’s Administrative Code requires public water systems to “supply safe drinking water in adequate quantities.” What is “safe” is frequently interpreted to be water that is compliant with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). California’s Safe Drinking Water Act, on the other hand, grants broader power to ensure that water also be “pure” and “wholesome,” in addition to being “safe to drink.” By including requirements for both the purity and wholesomeness of the water, California regulators have greater flexibility to extend requirements beyond those required only for safety.
One practical outcome of California’s broader statutory scope is the ability to require monitoring of contaminants beyond those regulated by the federal SDWA (i.e., chemicals with maximum contaminant limits, or MCLs). Many contaminants with MCLs are determined based on their occurrence and concentration in conventional supplies (i.e., groundwaters and surface waters), but many regulators and industry experts agree that this is not representative of the breadth of chemicals potentially present in wastewater. Furthermore, many secondary treated wastewater effluents meet most of the MCLs, while not being of potable quality. Thus, many industry experts endorse an approach that includes monitoring and control of a larger suite of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) for potable reuse beyond only the regulated MCLs.
While California’s statutory scope provides a pathway to expand monitoring to include CECs, regulators in other states may experience more resistance. In Arizona, there was pushback on the inclusion of CECs in the draft DPR regulation from the utilities, who questioned the need to go beyond the SDWA. Karthik Kumarasamy stated that regulations are primarily being shaped to comply with federal SDWA requirements, but some CEC monitoring beyond the SDWA will be required as well. Tyson Ingels similarly echoed that it was more difficult to include CECs in Colorado’s DPR regulation than it would be for California given their different statutory scope:
“We knew we needed to right-size [the DPR regulations] for our state and what utilities could reasonably implement under our regulatory structure that was still very protective of public health.”
Ultimately, Colorado’s regulations include comprehensive chemical reduction requirements focused on ensuring the effectiveness of treatment barriers (i.e., critical control point monitoring) to provide protection against chemicals.
An additional statutory issue that impacted multiple states was bridging the historical separation between drinking water and wastewater jurisdictions. Dani Zebelean highlighted that the agencies having primacy over the SDWA and the Clean Water Act (CWA) in Utah have historically been bifurcated. DPR would require novel partnerships between these regulatory groups. One example of this arose in California with regard to wastewater source control, which has historically been overseen by regulators enforcing the CWA. California’s drinking water regulators requested a change in statutory scope to give them authority over wastewater source control in DPR settings, which would allow them to implement enforcement actions against violating dischargers. To date, this issue remains unresolved. A final case study is Oklahoma, where the existing drinking and wastewater regulations do not prohibit DPR. Agencies interested in pursuing DPR need to comply with the SDWA and CWA, while also meeting the reuse-specific treatment requirements specified in their construction standards.
Dealing with Salts in Landlocked States
Several states mentioned that some projects will require RO for salt control. Notable examples of RO-based treatment trains in states with discharge restrictions include projects in El Paso, Texas; Scottsdale, Arizona; and Salt Lake County, Utah. Even though many states have salinity discharge restrictions, to ensure feedwaters to potable reuse systems are not too high in salts (i.e., above the MCL for TDS), projects may have to move forward with RO. In such cases, there is clear need for regulatory flexibility to incorporate RO into the DPR treatment trains, rather than uniformly prohibiting its use.
4. Political Climate
Political support for or against reuse can impact all aspects of regulatory development including whether regulations are developed, how they are shaped, and what resources are available to develop, implement, and enforce them. In Colorado, support for potable reuse from Governor Hickenlooper’s administration and the Colorado Water Conservation Board was an important springboard to DPR regulatory development in the mid-2010s. Coupling the 2015 Colorado Water Plan with the success of early potable reuse projects by Aurora Water and Castle Rock allowed Colorado to build and maintain momentum that ultimately led to the development of the nation’s first DPR regulations in November 2022. Arizona has similarly leveraged political momentum for potable reuse, which began with grassroots support from utilities and grew to include support from Governors Ducey and Hobbs. Arizona is currently in the rulemaking process with plans to finalize in 2024. California passed legislation – sponsored by the reuse industry – requiring DPR regulatory development, but support from the mayors of California’s largest cities and Governor Newsom provided widespread backing that propelled the state to finalize regulations in 2023.
In many cases, political support also translated into the availability of resources for regulatory development. Research funding is particularly important for areas with little to no potable reuse experience since it may be one of the only ways to fill knowledge gaps. Regulators in Colorado, Arizona, Florida, and California all cited research as a critical element for their regulatory development. In discussing the benefits of the multi-million-dollar DPR research effort in California, Darrin Polhemus stated:
“Research made it possible for us to proceed. The work gave us confidence. We were able to clearly see that we could go all the way to DPR.”
Funding also allowed engagement with two Expert Panels that gave regulators advice, grounding, and confidence in their requirements. Tyson Ingels also highlighted the importance of research in Colorado noting the criticality of efforts overseen by the National Water Research Institute in 2018 and the Pure Water Colorado demonstration project. Similarly, Arizona is conducting nine research and literature review projects to address knowledge gaps, develop guidance documents, and collect data. Many states – including Arizona and California – are also developing their own operator certification program specifically for reuse. The funding for these efforts is often dictated by the degree of political support for potable reuse. As new states move forward with DPR regulations, one useful lesson from the past is to seek out and educate advocates in the political sphere who can help build support for reuse.
Like many things, however, political support is often transient and may change from state to state and within the same state over time. For example, Bart Weiss noted that several regulatory staff members have left the Florida Department of Environmental Protection during recent administrative cycles. This has resulted in a loss of institutional knowledge at a time when an understanding of Florida’s past reuse experience would be highly valuable. Both Bart Weiss and Lynn Spivey noted that in recognition of this, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has dedicated consistent staff members to completing the rulemaking process. Dani Zebelean also noted that the amount of regulatory staffing needed to develop, implement, and enforce DPR regulations would need to improve if they were to move forward with DPR regulations in Utah. Oklahoma’s regulatory climate is also more challenging given that any new regulation must be accompanied by the removal of an existing regulation.
This national survey of DPR regulations – including those adopted, proposed, and in development – provides evidence that water reuse is not and will likely never be a one-size-fits-all endeavor. While regulations are largely shaped by public health concerns (i.e., control of pathogens and chemicals), this issue shows how elements outside of the public health sphere also shape the requirements (Figure 2). The impact of four key elements – scale of implementation, environmental discharge, statutory scope, and political climate – on DPR requirements provides an important perspective as states look to develop their own DPR regulations. Ideally, this discussion can serve as a guide to help stakeholders understand what the key issues are, their impact on specific DPR requirements, and how to tune them to account for each state’s specific constraints.

Figure 2: Despite similar requirements for public health protection, state regulations are impacted by several factors beyond public health. These factors lead to a diversity of requirements that ultimately contribute to the unique shape of each state’s regulations.
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